How it works
Information for new therapy clients

Below is a step-by-step guide on the typical client journey from referral, to the first session.
If you have a question that is not listed below, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We would be happy to assist you during this process.

Step 1


The first point of reference is often your GP, who will refer you for counselling. They may complete a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) or other MBS referral, which allows you to receive Medicare rebates to subsidise the session fees. You are most welcome to refer yourself and speak to us directly and access private sessions, without involving your GP.

Click on the referral types below for more information.

Referral Types & Eligibility

  • No referral is required to access telehealth psychology sessions.

    We can see you via videoconference, or in some cases, via telephone. We offer evening and weekend appointment times to fit in with your busy schedule.

    Rebates may be available through your Private Health Insurance cover (if applicable) to reduce the cost of your sessions.

    With private sessions, there are no reporting requirements to your GP and you are not limited to the amount of sessions you are eligible for per year.

    No MBS referral is required for private sessions, so you can contact us today to get started.

    ~Maximum number of sessions per calendar year: Unlimited
    ~Referral source: Referral not required

  • You may choose to get an MBS referral to receive Medicare rebates to subsidise the cost of your sessions, or access bulk-billing (if eligible). Medicare allow for up to 10 rebate-able sessions per year. A valid MBS referral is required to access Medicare rebates. The first step is to discuss your eligibility for an MBS referral with your GP or other medical practitioner. Your GP will also assess if telehealth counselling is appropriate for you.

    MBS Referrals you may be eligible for:

    • If you have a diagnosed mental health disorder (this includes many conditions, such as depression and anxiety), a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) allows eligible patients to access Medicare rebates.

    • If you have a diagnosed eating disorder, rebates can be available through an Eating Disorders Plan (EDP), Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) and/or a Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP).

    • If you have a psychiatric diagnosis, you can be referred under a Psychiatrist Assessment and Management Plan by your consultant psychiatrist or paediatrician.

  • All Medicare eligible Australians can now access Medicare-subsidised telehealth sessions, regardless of your location.

    To access mental health treatment under Medicare, you must be referred by your GP, psychiatrist or paediatrician.

    If you don’t have private health insurance, you may choose to obtain an MBS (Medicare Benefits Schedule) referral to receive Medicare rebates to subsidise the cost of your sessions.

    If you have a mental health disorder, you and your doctor can create a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP), previously known as a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP). For clients with a current MHTP, you can receive up to 10 Medicare rebated psychology sessions per year. We can process the Medicare rebates online for you too. Simply make a long consultation appointment with your GP to get started.

    How to access up to 10 sessions

    Step 1: You visit your medical practitioner (usually your GP) to obtain a Mental Health Treatment Plan. Your GP sends us a referral letter and/or a copy of your plan to allow for the initial 6 sessions.

    Initial course of treatment: If eligible, you complete sessions 1-6 at Remote Psych.

    At the conclusion of the final session on your first referral (usually session #6), the psychologist will report back on your progress and the referring practitioner (usually your GP) will assesses the need for further sessions.

    Step 2: You visit your GP to obtain a referral letter and/or to complete a plan review, to allow for another 4 sessions.
    The first formal GP review can be done from 4 weeks after the date of the plan.

    Second/final course of treatment: If eligible, you complete sessions 7-10 at Remote Psych.

    At the conclusion of the final session on your second referral (usually session #10), the psychologist will again write to your GP to provide an update on treatment, progress, testing results, and will specify a recommendation for further treatment, if required.
    If you require ongoing sessions, other funding options can be explored.

    • MHTP Requirements: a Medicare card, a Mental disorder*
    • Maximum number of sessions per calendar year: 10
    • Referral source: your GP, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician
    • Plan duration: You have 2 years from the date the plan was created to access psychology sessions, then once activated, the plan does not expire. A GP referral (that accompanies a plan) is valid for 12 months.

    *Mental disorders are as listed by the World Health Organisation, 1996, Diagnostic and Management Guidelines for Mental Disorders in Primary Care: ICD-10 Chapter V Primary Care Version.

  • If you have a psychiatric diagnosis, you can be referred under a Psychiatrist Assessment and Management Plan by your consultant psychiatrist or paediatrician.
    Your GP will need to refer you to a psychiatrist/paediatrician, who will then prepare a management plan with you.

    You may be eligible to receive up to 10 Medicare rebated psychology sessions this year.

    • Requirements: a Medicare card, a Psychiatric diagnosis
    • Maximum number of sessions per calendar year: 10
    • Referral source: Consultant, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician
    • Plan duration: You have 2 years from the date the plan was created to access psychology sessions, then once activated, the plan does not expire.

  • Medicare eligible Australians may be eligible to access rebates for eating disorder treatment via telehealth. Referrals using MBS can occur through an Eating Disorders Plan (EDP) or a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) and/or a Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP).

    An EDP is usually obtained through a GP, but can also be accessed through paediatricians and psychiatrists. Clients with an EDP will be eligible for comprehensive treatment and management services for a 12 month period, which includes up to 40 eating disorder psychological treatment (EDPT) services. You will also be eligible for up to 20 sessions of dietetic services from an Accredited Practicing Dietitian.

    How to access up to 40 sessions per year

    Step 1: New ‘Eating Disorders treatment and management plan’ is created by your GP, consultant physician in psychiatry or consultant physician in paediatrics, Your Dr also creates a ‘referral for psychological services’., allowing for up to 10 sessions.

    Initial course of treatment:
    You complete sessions 1-10.
    After the 10th session, we will report back to referring health professional. You will then see your Dr for the first plan review.

    Step 2: Review treatment and management plan (GP, medical practitioner working in general practice, consultant physician in psychiatry or consultant physician in paediatrics). Your Dr also creates another ‘referral for psychological services’. allowing for another 10 sessions.

    Second course of treatment: You complete psychology sessions 11-20.
    After the 20th session, we will report back to referring health professional. You will then see your Dr for the second review.

    Step 3: In addition to the GP review, a review is also required by a Consultant Psychiatrist or Consultant Paediatrician to access sessions 20-40. Both health professionals must review the treatment and management plan before more treatment services can be provided.

    Third course of treatment: You complete sessions 21-30.
    After the 30th session, we will report back to referring health professional. You will then see your Dr again for the third review.

    Step 4: Review treatment and management plan (GP, medical practitioner working in general practice, consultant physician in psychiatry or consultant physician in paediatrics). Your Dr also creates another ‘referral for psychological services’ allowing for the remaining 10 sessions.
    Final course of treatment: You complete sessions 31-40.
    We will report back to referring health professional.

    Note: A new treatment and management plan will be required at the end of the 12 month period.
    Return to step 1.
    More information
    You can continue sessions privately beyond session 40, but you won’t be able to access further Medicare rebates for our services.

    • EDP Requirements: people with a Medicare card, a diagnosed eating disorder*
    • Maximum number of sessions per calendar year: 40
    • Referral source: your GP, Consultant Psychiatrist or Paediatrician
    • Plan duration: Valid for up to 12 months from the date the plan was created. Once expired, you will need a new plan.
    • You can’t claim Medicare rebates if you are a currently admitted to hospital.

    *People with a clinical diagnosis of anorexia nervosa; or People who meet the eligibility criteria and have a clinical diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder (BED) or other specified feeding and eating disorders (OSFED).

    Note: Clients who don’t meet the criteria for an EDP can still receive up to 20 sessions under a MHTP.

  • We have extensive experience in providing therapy to people living in regional and remote areas with disabilities.

    Plan managed and Self-managed NDIS participants can access telehealth psychological services through their NDIS plan.

    We conduct telehealth therapy sessions from the comfort of your own home, via video link or phone. Connecting with a psychologist via telehealth removes travel and mobility limitations, whilst still providing the same experience as a face-to-face session.

    • Maximum number of sessions per calendar year: Unlimited, depending on your budget.
    • Referral Source: We accept NDIS referrals from Plan Managers, Care Coordinators and individuals.

However you choose to be referred to us, we look forward to supporting you on your journey to recovery.

Step 2


Following receipt of a referral from your GP or initial email contact we arrange a brief intake. This intake contact is to answer any questions you may have and for us to get some additional information about you. We will advise you of any fees and send you a confirmation email with consent and registration forms to complete.

Step 3


Your first session is focused on understanding and assessing your situation. It is usual for the first 3 appointments to be weekly (usually on the same day/time), with others then spaced 2 weeks apart, for a timeframe specific to your needs (as decided between you and your psychologist).

At the time of your session, follow the Zoom instructions to enter your psychologist’s virtual waiting room. Check out our Zoom instructions and telehealth tips below!

Step 4


MBS/Medicare Referrals

If receiving therapy through a Mental Health Treatment Plan or other MBS referral, you need to have a current referral with available sessions to be eligible for rebates or Medicare bulk-billing. After accessing the last session on your current referral, a report will be sent to your referring GP (or other referring health practitioner) outlining the treatment undertaken, progress and any ongoing needs, together with recommendation of how these needs can be met. We may request for your GP to allow for additional sessions. You will then need to make an appointment to see your GP to review your current plan. Your doctor will review your progress against the plan and may be refer you for additional sessions.